Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Ram tough…

Well, it's Wednesday again already. Where is the time going. Okay, I know...time is linear, or at least that's the going theory, but…I swear that I'm caught in some kind of space/time continuum then...where it gets sucked up faster than it should.

Anyway, it's time for Wednesday randomness and this week's episode is all about the zodiac. Or should I say, my SIGN. And no, not the one that says... hey, I'm in need of a boyfriend, apply within. For some reason the ladies don't want to delve into that matter. Shocking, I know. 

No, this is about those magical signs we all have based on our birthday. In case the picture isn't enough of a giveaway, and you don't love my catchy title... I'm an Aries. That's right people... THE RAM. An extension of the God of War, himself. Okay, so he spells his name 'slightly' different, you get what I'm going at here. Aries is a kick-ass sign, but…does it describe ME? 

SPOILER ALERT. I just said Kick-ass...I think we all know how this puppy will end. But let's pretend to be surprised.

Well, let's have a look at what the traits are...

So... almost all Aries descriptions suggest an outgoing, adventurous nature. So check. I'd say that's a fair description, without being vain or anything. I have tried to be shy before, but…it doesn't work out so well for anyone. Now, I do love my alone time, like running, but, that's about enough. Next...

We are trusting....I actually laughed at this. My gal pals are always looking at me as if I'm crazy when I say that I leave my doors unlocked, or my keys in the car. Hell, I'm not the only one. And while I'm pretty sure it's more of a Canadian thing, when I think about it, my friends that do this as well are all Aries, lol. So maybe it's a combination of both.

But I'll admit. I am trusting. I tend to believe that most people are good... honest. I don't generally suspect the worst, and I'm okay with that. Yes, I realize this goes against everything I've learned from Criminal Minds, but...

Then it says we tend to bounce back. I'm currently in the 'bouncing' phase and whether it's an Aries thing of not, I'm not one to let shitty things hold me down that long. I tend to dust off, stand up and get right back on that horse. Though many would argue that this is just because I'm stubborn...

Of course this doesn't apply to me romantically. That's the next point. I've read a few posts that suggest Aries have difficulties with relationships. Of course, who doesn't, but... I do find that I tend to expect a man to be a 'real man'. I know it's not poetically correct but... I want them to be tough. Hell, I don't stop because of an injury. I push through. I don't cry at the drop of a hat... he can't either! I do expect him to equal me in that aspect...then I also expect him to know when it's time to ease back. Be sensitive for a rare moment. This isn't asking too much, right?

And this, my friends, is probably why I'm not in a relationship. Why I'm hesitant to get into one. I know I'm demanding and well, that complicates things. That and I need another several hours in each day to find the time...or guys who want to date me, lol...

Here's more...

so... yeah, I am kinda most of these things.  I workout daily... and yeah, you don't want to be around me if I have to miss too many days in a row. I'm a freaking bear.  And me... argumentative... I beg to differ on that point. Strongly if necessary. 

As for sex drive... yeah, let's not even go there right now. I might hurt someone.

In the end, though I don't know if I put much stock in horoscope signs and the like, I am an Aries, even though I'm on the cusp. I'm quick to temper, rarely ask for help and I'd like to think I love as passionately as I cry. I'm ram tough, and proud to be one.

And just to show you that I'm not alone in how accurate the Aries personality is... here are just a couple famous Aries...

Robert Downey Jr... need I say more.
Reese Witherspoon... adore her.
Nathan Fillion... eat your heart out Bronwyn. Mal's mine. And holy shit, he's Canadian. Did you know that! Oh, going to be rubbing that in for a long time to come.
David Tennant too... 

Anyway, go check out the other ladies...see if they match their sign. And I'm starting to think this might explain why some of them have such bad taste in music... and guys they find hot...


  1. I did, in fact, know that Nathan Fillion is Canadian. And weirdly, I wasn't at all surprised by it. :D

    Yeah.. you really do seem to fit your sign. :)

  2. You crazy Canadians leaving your doors and windows open. But then again you can scare bears away so who's going to mess with you??
